Friday, March 7, 2014

Top 10 Scammer Tactics to Deceive Victims

Category Archives: Blog

Top 10 Scammer Tactics to Deceive Victims

Internet Scammers rely on deceiving you to get their hands on your cash. Be aware of this and protect your money! Here are the Top 10 Ploys used by Scammers: Scammer Tactic #1 1. They pose as professionals, ie, Barristers, Government Officials, Company Directors, etc, but the giveaway is that they use free e.mail addresses, […]

Does Scambaiting Make A Difference? How?

Have you ever heard of ScamBaiting? If yes, you are amongst the minority. Baiting Scammers is a little-known occupation. This comparatively small but global community engages with Internet Scammers and wastes their time and resources. This serves 2 purposes: Firstly, it keeps Scammers otherwise occupied and off the backs of prospective victims. Secondly, it is […]

Beware! – The Dastardly Cameroonian Pet Scam Revealed

With all of the shopping that takes place online these days, it’s inevitable that people are even buying pets online without seeing them first in person. This provides another avenue for scammers to try and exploit victims. For some reason, these scams are prevalent from Cameroonian fraudsters in particular, but like all internet fraud, they […]

Top 10 Ways To Spot A Fraudulent Website

Scammers set up various types of websites for online fraud. These can range from haphazard, amateurish- looking sites, to professional-looking high quality websites. It can be difficult to spot whether a website is fake or not. Fraudulent sites come in many forms, and here are 10 ways to quickly see that a website might not […]

What To Do If You Suspect A Loved One Is Being Scammed

Are you Angry? Feeling Helpless? These are normal emotions experienced when a loved one is being scammed. Your feelings may be even stronger where the person is in denial. Here are a few suggestions how you can help a relative or friend who is in the clutches of a Scammer. First, you need to confirm […]

Too smart to get scammed?

It’s a popular belief that only stupid and greedy idiots fall for scams or get scammed. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case in the real world! We regularly receive contacts from professors, doctors and lawyers and other ‘smart’ occupations asking for help or guidance. Being good at one thing doesn’t mean you’re good at everything, […]

Just when you thought you have found the love of your life.

Could true love have finally come your way? Just when you thought you have found the love of your life, something happens to send shivers up your spine, or at the very least, cause you to think twice. Could you be a victim or target of one of the many online dating scams on the […]

How Low Will Scammers Go?

Do Scammers have any Morals or Scruples? The Scammer listened intently to his phone as Mr Smith spoke. His hoarse voice betrayed his advancing years and poor health. “Once I’ve sent your fee, you will send me my millions, won’t you? I can’t afford to lose this money, you know. It’s all I have”. The […]

How To Stop Scammers Obtaining Your Contact Details

Keeping your Personal Information Safe. Scammers have to send hundreds, even thousands of emails in order to hook just one prospective victim. Most recipients recognize the scam email for what it is and delete it, reply with abuse (not recommended), or even report it to the Scammer’s ISP. Very occasionally though, a recipient will take […]

From the must have toy scams on Craigslist to fake Santa Charities, holiday scams are around the corner

Discover the Truth about Seasonal Scams How do you enjoy the snow this time of the year with getting snowed and falling victim to one of the seasonal scams that seem to perpetuate during holiday times? By using the same care and clear thinking that you do all year long you should have no trouble […]

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