Saturday, October 18, 2014


WHAT IS STOP-SCAMMERS.COM ABOUT is the place to find the most up-to-date information on female scammers anywhere in the world.

Our extensive database lists known scammers together with corroborating evidence like correspondence, photos, countries of known operation and documentation commonly used by these international thieves.

If you've been scammed in the past or you are suspicious that the lady you are corresponding with may be anything but who she says she is, then you'll find all the information and tools you need to fight back, right here at

HOW TO USE STOP-SCAMMERS.COM offers you a vast array of useful tools to help you identify and fight back against online female scammers. In this brief overview of our site, you will learn about some of those unique features that make the most complete website dedicated to stopping you from being scammed.

If you're lucky, you've found us before you got scammed. Maybe that dream girl you've been talking to for the past couple of weeks seems a little too good to be true? Maybe she's moving a little fast or maybe your gut is just telling you something doesn't feel right. Either way, you are in the right place. We offer multiple ways of searching our database to check whether the woman you are communicating with may be a scammer.


October, 17, 2014 - information about database updates

Last week (October, 10, 2014 - October, 17, 2014) 15 new scammers, 7 fake documentsadded to the database and 13 scammers' profiles updated. (full story) 10/17/2014


There are different scam scenarios. Standard scenario is the most common scam. Scammer tries to keep up a regular correspondence, but all letters you receive contain only general content and there is no concrete information in them. After changing a few letters...


She is too beautiful to be true. Most scammers use photos of professional models/celebrities or photos of beautiful women they have stolen from the Net. You receive a photo of a potential date and the photo doesn't match up (e.g. the photo looks like it is from a magazine or the description the person has given of themselves doesn't match the photo)...


Dating site scams: What are they and who are the scammers? 

A quick search of the internet will pull up any number of reports of individuals who have been separated from their money by “women” they have met online or through genuine dating sites. But who are these internet scammers and how do they operate?

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