Saturday, June 28, 2014

산업인터넷, 21세기 산업혁명을 이끌다

"디지털 세계와 물질 세계가 융합되고 있습니다. 가까운 미래에 500억개 이상의 기계들이 인터넷으로 서로 연결될 것이며, 연결된 기계들은 끊임없이 엄청난 데이터를 쏟아낼 것입니다." 지난 5월말 미국 샌프란시스코에서 열린 '솔리드 2014' 컨퍼런스에서 기조 연설을 한 GE의 베스 콤스탁 최고 마케팅책임자의 말이다.

10년전 '웹 2.0 컨퍼런스'를 통해 새로운 인터넷 시대의 도래를 논했던 오라일리 미디어(O'Reilly Media)와 MIT 미디어랩이 공동 주최한 이번 컨퍼런스의 주제는 '하드웨어와 소프트웨어의 결합'(Hardware, Software & Everywhere). 새로운 혁명적 변화의 물결이 가져올 미래가 중점 논의됐다. 즉, 기계의 내면을 이해하고 소통하는 것이 새로운 경제혁명의 핵심이라는 얘기다.

◆산업혁명과 인터넷혁명을 이을 산업인터넷

18세기 후반 산업혁명은 새로운 에너지원의 이용, 생산성 강화를 위한 기계의 발명, 교통과 통신의 발전 등과 같은 기술적 혁신을 이루어 냈다. 인류가 물건을 만들고 에너지를 소비하는 방식을 근본적으로 바꾸었다. 이후, 세계는 인터넷 혁명이라는 두번째 변화의 물결을 맞이했다. 컴퓨터와 인터넷의 등장은 정보의 저장, 전산 처리, 통신 기술의 혁신을 가져왔고, 대량의 정보를 빠른 속도로 처리 할 수 있게 됐다.

이제, 산업혁명의 산물인 기계와 인터넷 혁명의 산물인 네트워크가 결합해 새로운 혁신의 바람이 일으키고 있다.

이른바 '산업인터넷'의 물결이다. 기술발달로 인해 산업 현장의 기계들에 스마트 기능 탑재가 가능해졌고, 방대한 양의 정보를 처리할 수 있는 데이터 원격 저장 기술, 첨단 분석 툴 등이 널리 보급되고 있다. 특히, 기술 도입 비용이 점차 낮아지고, 클라우드 컴퓨팅이 확산되면서 보다 저렴한 비용으로 더욱 더 많은 정보를 수집하고 분석하는 것이 가능해졌다. 이러한 조건들이 모여 산업인터넷이라는 새로운 혁신의 물결로 이어지게 된 것이다.

산업인터넷이 경제와 산업에 적용되는 사례는 다양하다. 전력부족 국가인 한국에서 적용될 사례로 전력발전 장비를 실시간 모니터링하는 '플렉스에피션시 어드밴티지(FlexEfficiency Advantage)' 솔루션을 들 수 있다. 이 솔루션은 발전소가 에너지 필요량과 에너지 공급원을 조절할 수 있게 해주며, 시시각각 변하는 전력 수요와 전력그리드 상황, 연료 공급의 변화에 실시간으로 대응할 수 있게 해준다. 발전장비의 연료 효율이 개선되고 정비 간격이 늘어나 발전소는 에너지 생산량을 늘리고 보다 안정적으로 전력을 공급할 수 있게 된다.

또한, 이 솔루션은 탄소 배출량도 대폭 감소시킨다. 출력량이 525.2 메가와트인 GE의 7F 3 시리즈의 가스 터빈에 이 솔루션을 도입하면 연간 이산화탄소 배출량을 1만1400t까지 줄일 수 있다. 이미 한국 발전소에서 이 솔루션을 적용함으로써 180메가와트의 발전용량을 증대시키고 질소산화물 배출량을 절반 가량으로 줄인 바 있다.

◆빅 데이터, 전세계가 주목한다.

GE는 2011년 11월 미국 실리콘밸리 인근 샌 라몬에 글로벌 소프트웨어 센터를 설립하고 10억 달러 투자계획을 발표했다. 산업인터넷을 본격 추진하기 위해 차세대 지능형 시스템을 개발 한다는 것이다. 이 디지털 시스템을 통해 산업 장비에서 생성되는 페타바이트(약 100만 기가바이트)급의 정보를 자동으로 분석하고 활용해, 고객의 자산과 사업의 운용을 최적화한다는 것이다. 현재 GE는 전세계 1만여명의 소프트웨어 인력과 협력해 빅 데이터와 관련된 다양한 소프트웨어 솔루션들을 개발하고 있다.

전통 제조업의 대표주자인 GE가 소프트웨어에 대한 과감한 투자와 비전을 제시한 사실에 많은 이들이 의아하게 생각했다. 냉장고, 세탁기 등과 같은 가전 제품으로 익숙한 GE지만, 최근 항공기 엔진, 발전 설비, 기관차, 의료진단 장비 등을 개발 공급하는 첨단 기술 인프라 기업으로 변모했다. 항공기 엔진, 병원 장비의 센서에 인터넷을 연결하고 여기서 발생한 데이터를 분석해 고객사인 항공사와 의사들에게 추가적인 가치를 제공한다는 것이다.

GE의 제프리 이멜트 회장은 빅 데이터의 중요성에 대해 "산업인터넷은 GE가 고객들에게 제공하는 서비스에 혁명을 일으키고 있다. 이를 통해 고객들은 효율성과 생산성을 더욱 높일 수 있게 되었다"며, "산업 데이터는 그 양이 방대할 뿐만 아니라, 매우 중요하고 복잡한 형태의 빅 데이터다. GE는 고객과 사회가 필요로 하는 성과를 제공하기 위해 이러한 데이터를 관리하고 분석할 것이다. 이를 위해 예측 솔루션을 개발하고, 성과를 측정하는 센서를 GE제품에 장착하고 있다"고 했다.

GE는 2012년말 소개한 10종의 산업인터넷 기술을 통해 2013년 2억9000만 달러의 매출과 4억 달러의 수주를 기록했다. 또한, 이미 확보한 1600억 달러 규모의 서비스 수주 잔고를 활용해 GE의 산업용 제품에 대한 성능을 개선하면서, 기 설치된 장비에서 매년 3~5%, 소프트웨어 판매에서는 매년 15% 이상의 매출을 늘려나갈 계획이다.


산업인터넷이란 제품진단 소프트웨어와 분석 솔루션을 결합해 기계와 기계, 기계와 사람, 기계와 비즈니스 운영을 서로 연결시켜 기존 설비나 운영 체계를 최적화하는 차세대 기술을 말한다. 병원의 MRI(자기공명영상진단) 장비, 발전소의 가스터빈, 제트기 엔진 등 수많은 기계들은 끊임 없이 방대한 양의 데이터를 생성해내고 있다. 그러나 이러한 자료가 의미있는 정보로 활용되지 못해 많은 자원이 낭비되고 있다. 산업인터넷은 '똑똑한 기계'들이 스스로 데이터를 공유하고 분석해 관리자에게 의미있는 정보를 제공하고, 효과적인 의사결정을 돕는 디지털 생태계를 구축한다. 이를 통해 항공, 철도, 헬스케어, 제조 및 에너지 등 다양한 산업의 생산성과 효율성이 크게 높아질 것으로 기대된다.

Friday, June 27, 2014

General Certificate of Conformity (GCC)

General Certificate of Conformity (GCC)
Manufacturers and importers of general use products (i.e., non-children’s products) for which consumer product safety rules apply, must certify, in a written General Certificate of Conformity (GCC) based on testing or a reasonable testing program, that their products comply with those applicable rules. Below on this page, CPSC provides two samples of GCCs for fictitious products, showing example layouts of the GCC's required elements; one for adult clothing and one for mattresses. These samples are illustrative and do not capture every possible consumer product safety rule that may apply to a consumer product. The GCC and supporting test reports must be in English.

Also see frequently asked questions (FAQs) about GCCs.

(Note: All manufacturers and importers of children’s products must certify those products in a written Children’s Product Certificate (CPC.) View a sample CPC.)

Elements Required in a GCC

1.     Identification of the product covered by this certificate:Describe the product(s) covered by this certification in enough detail to match the certificate to each product it covers and no others.

2.     Citation to each consumer product safety regulation to which this product is being certified:The certificate must identify separately each consumer product safety rule administered by the Commission that is applicable to the product.

3.     Identification of the U.S. importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product:Provide the name, full mailing address, and telephone number of the importer or U.S. domestic manufacturer certifying the product.

4.     Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results:Provide the name, full mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the person maintaining test records in support of the certification.

5.     Date and place where this product was manufactured:For the date(s) when the product was manufactured, provide at least the month and year. For the place of manufacture provide at least the city (or administrative region) and country where the product was manufactured or finally assembled. If the same manufacturer operates more than one location in the same city, provide the street address of the factory.

6.     Provide the date(s) and place when the product was tested for compliance with the consumer product safety rule(s) cited above:Provide the location(s) of the testing and the date(s) of the test(s) or test report(s) on which certification is being based.

7.     Identification of any third party laboratory on whose testing the certificate depends:Generally, this section should be labeled “N/A” for a GCC because third party laboratory testing is not a requirement for non-children’s products. (It is only a requirement for children’s products and must be included in a CPC.) However, if a certifier voluntarily uses test results from a third party laboratory as the basis for issuing its GCC, the law requires that the certifier must then provide the name, full mailing address, and telephone number of the third party laboratory.

 GCC may be used only for general use, or non-children’s products. Children’s products require a “children’s product certificate,” or CPC.

General Certificate of Conformity - Sample #1
(Available at

1.     Identification of the product covered by this certificate:

Men’s chino pants model CH-123 (Sizes 28-36)
2.     Citation to each CPSC product safety regulation to which this product is being certified:

16 CFR Part 1610, Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles.
In this example, the standard for flammability of clothing textiles is the only applicable requirement.
3.     Identification of the U.S. importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product:

Chino Pants Importers
123 Fabric Way
Smithfield, IL 12345
(538) 763-0980 
4.     Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results:

Bob Smith, Compliance Manager
Chino Pants Importers
123 Fabric Way
Smithfield, IL 12345
(538) 763-0987,
5.     Date and place where this product was manufactured:

September 2011, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia

6.     Date and place where this product was tested for compliance with the regulation(s) cited above:

N/A. Exempted from testing per 16 CFR § 1610(1)(d) 
In this example, the pants are exempt from testing because they are made from 100% plain surface cotton
with a fabric weight of 2.6 ounces or more per square yard. See 16 CFR §§ 1610.1(c) and 1610.1(d) 
for other exceptions and exemptions..
7.     Identification of an third party laboratory on whose testing the certificate depends:

A GCC may be used only for
general use, or non-children’s products. Children’s products require a “children’s product certificate,” or CPC.

General Certificate of Conformity - Sample #2
(Available at

1.     Identification of the product covered by this certificate:

Luxe Mattress Models #456, 789 (Queen, King)
2.     Citation to each CPSC product safety regulation to which this product is being certified:

16 CFR Part 1632, Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads

16 CFR Part 1633, Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets
In this example, the two standards for mattress flammability are the only applicable requirements.
3.     Identification of the U.S. importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product:

MattressSafety USA Importers
123 Good Sleep Way
Springfield, MA 12345
(549) 456-7890 
4.     Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results:

Mary Smith, Compliance and Quality Control
MattressSafety USA Importers
123 Good Sleep Way
Springfield, MA 12345
(549) 456-7890 ext. 99,

5.     Date and place where this product was manufactured:

May 2011, Guangzhou, China

6.     Date and place where this product was tested for compliance with the regulation(s) cited above:

June 2011
Guangzhou, China 
7.     Identification of an accredited laboratory accepted by the CPSC on whose testing the certificate depends:

Guangzhou Quality Labs
No. 023 Shi Nan Road
Dong Zhou, Pan Zi
Guangzhou City
Guangdong Province, China. 511453
+(86) 20 09 7723 5467 
In this example, while the mattresses were not required to be tested by a third party laboratory, the mattress manufacturer voluntarily chose to do so and must provide the information about that laboratory. If you do not
use a third party laboratory, you may label this section “N/A.” If the mattresses being certified are for cribs
or children’s size mattresses, please see the requirements for issuing a CPC.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

16 CFR Part 1633 Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets; Final Rule


March 15, 2006

Part II

Consumer Product
Safety Commission
16 CFR Part 1633

Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets; Final Rule

13472        Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 50 / Wednesday, March 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations


16 CFR Part 1633

Final Rule: Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets

AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (‘‘Commission’’) is issuing a flammability standard under the authority of the Flammable Fabrics Act. This new standard establishes performance requirements based on research conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (‘‘NIST’’). Mattresses and mattress and foundation sets (‘‘mattress sets’’) that comply with the requirements will generate a smaller size fire with a slower growth rate, thus reducing the possibility of flashover occurring. These improved mattresses should result in significant reductions in deaths and injuries associated with the risk of mattress fires. The Commission estimates that the standard could limit the size of mattress fires to the extent that 240 to 270 deaths and 1,150 to 1,330 injuries could potentially be eliminated annually. As discussed in the preamble, this means that the standard could yield lifetime net benefits of $23 to $50 per mattress or aggregate lifetime net benefits for all mattresses produced in the first year of the standard of $514 million to $1,132 million.

DATES: The rule will become effective on July 1, 2007 and applies to mattress sets manufactured, imported, or renovated on or after that date.


Jason Hartman, Office of Compliance, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20814; telephone (301) 504–7591; e-mail


A. Background

The Commission is issuing this flammability standard to reduce deaths and injuries related to mattress fires, particularly those initially ignited by open flame sources such as lighters, candles and matches.1 Although the
1 Chairman Hal Stratton and Commissioner Nancy Nord issued a joint statement, and Commissioner Thomas H. Moore issued a separate statement. These are available from the Commission’s Office of the Secretary (Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission,

Commission has a flammability standard directed toward cigarette ignition of mattresses, 16 CFR Part 1632, a significant number of mattress fires are ignited by open flame sources and are not directly addressed by that standard.

On October 11, 2001, the Commission issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (‘‘ANPR’’) concerning the open flame ignition of mattresses/ bedding. 66 FR 51886. CPSC, industry, and the California Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation (‘‘CBHF’’) worked with National Institute of Standards and Technology (‘‘NIST’’), which conducted research to develop a test method that could be included in a standard to address open flame ignition of mattresses. On January 13, 2005, the Commission issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (‘‘NPR’’) proposing a flammability standard based on the NIST research. 70 FR 2470. Comments received in response to the NPR are discussed in section H of this notice.

The characteristics of mattress/ bedding fires and research conducted to develop the standard are discussed in detail in the NPR, 70 FR 2470, and in the staff’s technical memoranda supporting this rulemaking. Because a mattress contains a substantial amount of flammable materials, if it (one that does not meet the standard) ignites in a bedroom fire the mattress will burn rapidly, and will quickly reach dangerous flashover conditions within a few minutes. Flashover is the point at which the entire contents of a room are ignited simultaneously by radiant heat, making conditions in the room untenable and safe exit from the room impossible. At flashover, room temperatures typically exceed 600–800° C (approximately 1100–1470° F). About two-thirds of all mattress fatalities are attributed to mattress fires that lead to flashover. This accounts for nearly all of the fatalities that occur outside the room where the fire originated and about half of the fatalities that occur within the room of origin.

The size of a fire can be measured by its rate of heat release. A heat release rate of approximately 1,000 kilowatts (‘‘kW’’) leads to flashover in a typical room. Tests of twin size mattresses of traditional constructions (complying with the existing mattress cigarette ignition standard in 16 CFR 1632) without bedclothes have measured peak heat release rates that exceeded 2,000 kW in less than 5 minutes. In tests of
Room 502, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20814; telephone 301–504–7293; or e-mail: or from the Commission’s Web site,

traditional king size mattresses, peak rates of heat release were nearly double that. [2] 2

The goal of the standard is to minimize or delay flashover when a mattress is ignited in a typical bedroom fire. With certain exceptions explained below, the standard requires manufacturers to test specimens of each of their mattress prototypes (designs) before mattresses based on that prototype may be introduced into commerce. The standard prescribes a full-scale test using a pair of T-shaped gas burners designed to represent burning bedclothes. The mattress set must not exceed a peak heat release rate of 200 kW at any time during a 30 minute test, and the total heat release for the first 10 minutes of the test must not exceed 15 megajoules (‘‘MJ’’). Mattresses that meet the standard’s criteria will make only a limited contribution to a fire, especially in the early stages of the fire. This will allow occupants more time to discover the fire and escape. [1&2]

The State of California’s Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation issued an open flame fire standard for mattresses and mattress/ box spring sets and futons, TB 603, which went into effect January 1, 2005. Both the Commission’s standard and TB 603 are based on the research conducted at NIST, and they use the same basic test method. Both TB 603 and the Commission’s standard require that mattresses not exceed a 200 kW peak heat release rate during the 30 minute test. However, the standards differ in the limit they set on total energy release in the first ten minutes of the test (the Commission’s standard sets a stricter limit of 15 MJ, while TB 603 sets the limit at 25 MJ).

NIST has conducted extensive research on mattress/bedding fires for the Sleep Products Safety Council (‘‘SPSC’’) and the Commission. The NPR summarized the research that was conducted to develop the test method and other research conducted prior to publication of the NPR. 70 FR 2470. Subsequently, CPSC contracted with NIST to conduct additional test work to explore technical issues raised in the comments that the Commission received on the NPR and to provide additional technical support for finalizing the
2 Numbers in brackets refer to documents listed at the end of this notice. They are available from the Commission’s Office of the Secretary, (Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Room 502, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20814; telephone 301–504– 7293; or e-mail: or from the Commission’s Web site ( library/foia/foia.html).

Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 50 / Wednesday, March 15, 2006 / Rules and Regulations

standard. This work included a series of tests to evaluate the heat flux of different burner hole sizes, effects of temperature and relative humidity conditions, flammability behavior of one-sided mattresses, and flammability performance (durability) of selected flame retardant barriers. This research is discussed in the CPSC Engineering Sciences Directorate’s memorandum, ‘‘Technical Rationale for the Standard for the Flammability (Open-Flame) of Mattress Sets and Engineering Responses to Applicable Public Comments,’’ and the staff’s briefing memorandum. [2&1]

B. Statutory Authority

This proceeding is conducted pursuant to Section 4 of the Flammable Fabrics Act (‘‘FFA’’), which authorizes the Commission to initiate proceedings for a flammability standard when it finds that such a standard is ‘‘needed to protect the public against unreasonable risk of occurrence of fire leading to death or personal injury, or significant property damage.’’ 15 U.S.C. 1193(a).

Section 4 also sets forth the process by which the Commission may issue a flammability standard. As required in section 4(g), the Commission issued an ANPR. 66 FR 51886. 15 U.S.C. 1193(g). The Commission reviewed the comments submitted in response to the ANPR and issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (‘‘NPR’’) containing the text of the proposed rule along with alternatives the Commission has considered and a preliminary regulatory analysis. 70 FR 2470. 15 U.S.C. 1193(i). The Commission considered comments provided in response to the NPR and is issuing this final rule along with a final regulatory analysis. 15 U.S.C. 1193(j). The Commission cannot issue a final rule unless it makes certain findings and includes these in the regulation. The Commission must find: (1) If an applicable voluntary standard has been adopted and implemented, that compliance with the voluntary standard is not likely to adequately reduce the risk of injury, or compliance with the voluntary standard is not likely to be substantial; (2) that benefits expected from the regulation bear a reasonable relationship to its costs; and (3) that the regulation imposes the least burdensome alternative that would adequately reduce the risk of injury. 15 U.S.C. 1193(j)(2). In addition, the Commission must find that the standard

(1) is needed to adequately protect the public against the risk of the occurrence of fire leading to death, injury or significant property damage, (2) is reasonable, technologically practicable, and appropriate, (3) is limited to fabrics,

related materials or products which present unreasonable risks, and (4) is stated in objective terms. 15 U.S.C. 1193(b). The Commission makes these findings in section 1633.8 of the rule.

C. The Product

The standard applies to mattresses and mattress and foundation sets (‘‘mattress sets’’). ‘‘Mattress’’ is defined as a resilient material, used alone or in combination with other materials, enclosed in a ticking and intended or promoted for sleeping upon. For further details on how the term is defined in the standard see section E.3. of this preamble.

Throughout the standard the Commission uses the term ‘‘mattress set’’ to mean a mattress alone if the mattress is manufactured for sale without a foundation, or a mattress and a foundation together, if the mattress is manufactured for sale with a foundation. Under the standard, a mattress manufactured for sale with a foundation must be tested with its foundation and a mattress manufactured for sale alone must be tested alone.

According to the International Sleep Products Association (‘‘ISPA’’), the top four producers of mattresses and foundations account for almost 60 percent of total U.S. production. In 2003, there were 571 establishments producing mattresses in the U.S. [7]

Mattresses and foundations are typically sold as sets. However, more mattresses are sold annually than foundations; some mattresses are sold as replacements for existing mattresses (without a new foundation) or are for use in platform beds or other beds that do not require a foundation. ISPA estimated that the total number of U.S. conventional mattress shipments was 22.5 million in 2004, and would be 23.0 million in 2005. These estimates do not include futons, crib mattresses, juvenile mattresses, sleep sofa inserts, or hybrid water mattresses. These ‘‘non-conventional’’ sleep surfaces are estimated to comprise about 10 percent of total annual shipments of all sleep products. The value of conventional mattress and foundation shipments in 2004, according to ISPA, was $4.10 and $1.69 billion respectively, compared to $3.28 and $1.51 billion respectively in 2002. [7]

The expected useful life of mattresses can vary substantially, with more expensive models generally experiencing the longest useful lives. Industry sources recommend replacement of mattresses after 10 to 12 years of use, but do not specifically estimate the average life expectancy. In the 2001 mattress ANPR, the

Commission estimated the expected useful life of a mattress at about 14 years. To estimate the number of mattresses in use for analysis of the proposed rule, the Commission used both a 10 year and 14 year average product life. Using CPSC’s Product Population Model, the Commission estimates the number of mattresses (conventional and non-conventional) in use in 2005 to be 237 million using a ten-year average product life, and 303.9 million using a fourteen-year average product life. [7]

According to industry sources, queen size mattresses are the most commonly used. In 2004, queen size mattresses were used by 34.9 percent of U.S. consumers. Twin and twin XL were used by 29.3 percent of U.S. consumers, followed by full and full XL (19.9 percent), king and California king (11.5 percent), and all other sizes (4.4 percent). The average manufacturing price in 2004 was $182 for a mattress and $90 for a foundation. Thus, the average manufacturing price of a mattress and foundation set was about $272 in 2004. Although there are no readily available data on average retail prices for mattress/foundation sets by size, ISPA reports that sets selling under $500 represented 34.6 percent of the market in 2004 compared to 40.7 percent in 2002. Sets selling for between $500 and $1000 represented 41.1 percent of the market in 2004, compared to 39.2 percent in 2002. [7]

The top four manufacturers of mattresses and foundations operate about one-half of the 571 U.S. establishments producing these products. The remainder of the establishments are operated by smaller firms. According to the Statistics of U.S. Businesses Census Bureau data, all but twelve mattress firms had fewer than 500 employees in 2002. If one considers a firm with fewer than 500 employees to be a small business, then 97.7 percent ((522–12)/522) of all mattress firms are small businesses. [7] The potential impact of the standard on these small businesses is discussed in section K of this document.

D. Risk of Injury

Annual estimates of national fires and fire losses involving ignition of a mattress or bedding are based on data from the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Incident Reporting System (‘‘NFIRS’’) and the National Fire Protection Administration’s (‘‘NFPA’’) annual survey of fire departments. The most recent national fire loss estimates indicated that mattresses and bedding were the first items to ignite in 15,300 residential fires attended by the fire